
Please see our announcements for special issues below.

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation (JMDE) Issue #49 Is Available Now


We’re excited to announce the release of the latest issue of the Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation (JMDE)! This issue features a diverse collection of research articles, case studies, and thought-provoking ideas that reflect our journal’s mission to advance the theory and practice of evaluation across disciplines.
Explore the table of contents below to discover insights, practical methodologies, and innovative approaches to evaluation:
Research Articles
  • Investigating Equity and Social Justice within Programs: A Framework of Evaluative Criteria
    • Rebecca M. Teasdale, Cherie M. Avent
  • Implementation Fidelity: The Disconnect Between Theory and Practice
    • Christopher Rhoads, Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead, Kylie Anglin, Catherine Lewis
Case Studies
  • Rubrics Methodology in Detail: Helping Save The Children Turn Children's Experiences of Discrimination and Exclusion into Rich, Trackable Outcomes
    • E. Jane Davidson, Thomaz K. Chianca, Nicole Dulieu, Anil Sigdel
  • Complexity-Aware Evaluation for Learning: A Case Study of a Developmental Approach
    • Eureta Rosenberg, Karen Kotschy, Sharon Pollard
  • Thinking and Feeling Matter: Utilizing Impact Assessment and Photovoice to Evaluate a Community Program
    • Wing Chung Ho
Ideas to Consider
  • Theories of Change for Complex Sustainability Transformations: Mobilizing the Potential of Redefining the Relationship Between Humans and Nature
    • Tilman Hertz
  • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology’s Unique Contribution to Evaluation
    • Jonny Morell, Theresa LeGros
  • Using Competency-Informed Tasks to Guide Evaluation Capacity Strengthening
    • Lori Wingate, Kelly Robertson
Access the Full Issue
This issue is now available for free on the JMDE website. Visit to read and download these articles today. 

Visualizing Evaluation Theory Special Issue of JMDE


We are excited to announce the publication of a special issue of the Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation focused on visualizing evaluation theory. Evaluation theory has and continues to play an important role in the practice and profession of evaluation. Over the years, and as the range of evaluation theories has continued to grow, evaluation scholars and practitioners have developed various visualized classification frameworks of evaluation theory, invoking images such as trees, rivers, the periodic table, metro maps, concept maps, and most recently gardens. This special issue explores different visualizations of evaluation theory and discusses their benefits and implications for the practice and profession of evaluation. We hope you find this interesting, informative, and useful.

Special Issue Memorializing Dr. Michael Scriven


When Dr. Scriven died on August 28, 2023, we lost a legend and an important voice in the evaluation field. Surely, his impact will be explored for years to come. Given Scriven’s role, along with Dr. E. Jane Davidson, in founding JMDE, we created this special issue for those who knew him to say a few words about their perceptions of his impact. Our initial compass for this special issue dedicated to Scriven was three-fold. Firstly, as he was a champion of JMDE and a frequent contributor, we were in a unique position to look back through the journal’s history and summarize his published contributions. Secondly, some expressed the desire to revisit and reinvigorate some of Scriven’s contributions. Finally, we wanted to provide a venue for more personal reflections on how Scriven impacted individual lives. Taking time to reflect on personal and professional relationships with Scriven and his intellectual contributions has given contributors to this issue a way to remember and say thank you. We hope that these contributions do some justice to Dr. Michael Scriven’s legacy, remind you of his role in our discipline’s development, and focus your attention, for more than a few moments, on the intellectual giant that left us.