Revisiting and Expanding Scriven's Fallacies About Formative and Summative Evaluation

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This article outlines the origins of the formative and summative evaluation and then revisits Scriven’s claims about eight fallacies.  We add to seven further fallacies especially that there are such concepts as formative and summative assessment.  The argument is to return to Scriven’s original claims that formative relates to improvement and summative relates to status, the primary purpose of formative evaluation is to stimulate summative evaluation, and both demand rigor and must lead to claims about merit, worth or significance.


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Clinton, J., & Hattie, J. (2024). Revisiting and Expanding Scriven’s Fallacies About Formative and Summative Evaluation. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 20(47), 13–23.
In Memoriam
Author Biography

Janet Clinton, University of Melbourne

Janet Clinton is Professor of Evaluation,

Assessment & Evaluation Research Centre

University of Melbourne


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