Re-Structuring Evaluation Findings into Useful Knowledge
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Background: A long research stream has shown that when knowledge is more structured it is more likely to be effective in practical application. Building on that research, the authors applied Integrative Proposition Analysis to visualize, integrate, and assess the quality and usefulness of knowledge gained from the NMAC (formerly National Minority AIDS Council) Strong Communities evaluation.
Purpose: Demonstrate an innovative method to rigorously integrate and strengthen knowledge gained from evaluation and to encourage discussion of future directions for developing stronger theories for more effective evaluation and more effective action.
Setting: Birmingham, Alabama
Intervention: A project to identify local strategies for community-based organizations and community health centers that serve African American and Latinx gay and bisexual men and transgender women to collaboratively meet HIV-related community needs.
Research Design: The researchers applied Integrative Propositional Analysis to integrate and map concepts and causal connections emerging from the evaluation findings. The authors then analyzed the resulting map to identify top-mentioned concepts, better understood concepts, reinforcing loops, and knowledge gaps.
Data Collection and Analysis: Integrative Propositional Analysis applied to a literature review and stakeholder interview transcripts collected for the evaluation.
Findings: Integrating literature and interview results helped to identify several actions where providers of HIV-related services could increase their impact on combating the HIV epidemic among the communities they serve. The authors also identified a reinforcing loop; this shows opportunity to improve two desired outcomes by increasing one. In addition, the authors identified blank spots on the map; these show where additional research could strengthen the quality and usefulness of the mapped knowledge.
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