Reorienting Evaluator Competencies: Learnings from Evaluation Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Rajib Nandi
Aparajita De


Background: The Covid-19 Pandemic has emphasized the need for evaluators to reorient their skills based on ongoing learnings from evaluations. As a result, evaluators must possess a variety of competencies to meet the challenges created by such unprecedented circumstances.

Purpose: Using existing literature about evaluators' competencies and the experiences of conducting evaluations during pandemic, this paper proposes a set of competencies that enable an evaluator to collaborate meaningfully with grassroots organizations and co-design evaluations with communities that empower evaluators to think beyond the boundaries of a project intervention towards achieving a larger goal.

Setting: Covid 19 Pandemic and evaluation practice in India

Intervention: NA

Research Design: Case study with interpretive approach

Data Collection and analysis: NA

Findings: The paper suggests that acquiring 'strategic thinking' and 'emotional intelligence and resilience' strengthens evaluators' competencies to be flexible and innovative in evolving evaluation methods.


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How to Cite
Nandi, R., & De, A. (2023). Reorienting Evaluator Competencies: Learnings from Evaluation Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 19(46), 54–64.
International Evaluator Competence Perspectives
Author Biography

Aparajita De, Department of Geography, University of Delhi


Department of Geography

Delhi School of Economics

University of Delhi


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