Entering the Ethical Space Between Epistemologies: A Step Toward Decolonizing the Heart and Mind

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Jennifer A. H. Billman


At a tipping point marked by knowledge fragmentation, the evaluation field’s ability to address the complex problems confronting the world today is threatened. Contributing to this is the field’s narrowed epistemological foundation which places limits on what counts as knowledge, alienating many engaged with it. Privileging empirical knowledge over traditional and revealed (i.e., spiritual) knowledge places the reigning evaluation paradigms at odds with Indigenous paradigms and presents numerous risks to individuals, communities, and ecosystems. Yet, if we enter the space between epistemologies (Emine, 2007), we discover that the founders of western philosophy, Aristotle and Descartes, held many ideas in common with Indigenous philosophies. Here I deconstruct Western thought to show how Aristotle and Descartes upheld an immaterial reality, with Descartes grounding all his understanding in revealed knowledge. After providing a bombardment of multidisciplinary support for revealed knowledge, I argue that embracing the Knowledge Trinity advances the decolonization of evaluator self and mind and provides a new epistemological foundation upon which to construct a Decolonizing Paradigm.


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Billman, J. (2023). Entering the Ethical Space Between Epistemologies: A Step Toward Decolonizing the Heart and Mind. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 19(44), 45–61. https://doi.org/10.56645/jmde.v19i44.759
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