Taking Evaluation Contexts Seriously: A Cross-Cultural Evaluation in Extreme Unpredictability

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Hélène N. Laperrière


The following paper details the evaluation of a public health education project in the state of Maine. Evaluation of education projects presents a challenge, in that the effects of the intervention are not easy to trace and outside influences difficult to impossible to control. This study approached this difficult issue at the start by focusing on one variable for which data are readily available (namely blood lead testing rates). The evaluation was further enhanced by use of a model called "RE- AIM", which measures the reach, efficacy, adoption, implementation and maintenance of educational projects (Glasgow, et.al. 1999). Measurements centered on data tracked through newly created databases and focused on elements directly attributable to the project (i.e. behavior of medical personnel trained through project activities). Finally, small focus groups and interactions with families served by the program were used to derive qualitative data that provided a broader perspective on the success of activities. As the program ultimately seeks to entirely eliminate childhood lead poisoning, this paper concludes with a discussion of areas that continue to need attention for future education projects.


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How to Cite
Laperrière, H. N. (2006). Taking Evaluation Contexts Seriously: A Cross-Cultural Evaluation in Extreme Unpredictability. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 3(4), 41–57. https://doi.org/10.56645/jmde.v3i4.77
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